


















 この結果,メール・サーバーの管理者はユーザーの苦情処理に追われることになる。迷惑メールの量が多くなると,メール・サーバーの負荷が高くなってメールの送受信が遅延し,最悪の場合はメール・サーバーがダウンすることもある。ネットワーク回線やディスクを無駄に消費することになり,「不必要な投資が増える羽目になる」(トレンドマイクロ マーケティング統括本部 プロダクトマーケティンググループ プロダクトマーケティング課 プロダクトマーケティングマネージャー 神田貴雅氏)*4。ここでは,具体的な対策と,現状の課題を見ていくことにしよう。





10:45 デザイン基礎最終発表 前半



S&T 出会いについて

稲見さん :ラブゲティ(Lovegetty)ははやらなかった。これはどうやって市場に導入するのか ?


学生の返事 購買履歴とリコメンドの方が意味がある




スパイスメーカー 文字情報を日付で関連つけて思い出スパイスを作る


稲見さん:写真と味の関連付け 日付とメールで

奥出:とてもいい 味のデザインまで拡張すればとてもいい








時刻表 通算1000号 時刻表達人



奥出 デジタル時代の都市性をどう考えるか。ヴァルター・ベンヤミンが『パサージュ論』などでボードレールを例にして遊歩者(フラヌール)の考え方を近代都市分析に利用した。だがそれは19世紀20世紀の話だ。21世紀における新しい都市生は?昨年この授業からでてきたプロトタイプ「フラヌール」の先をこのプロジェクトには見たいところです。

QRコードの名刺 フリースペースに手書きで











奥出 感情デザインまで踏み込んでいて良い

Try angle
稲見さん: 猫なのにナビゲーションだけだと寂しい
エイドリアン アイデアをおもいついたらライフスパンを考えよう。図書館の時代はおわっているのでは?本は変わっていくのでは?
奥出: アイデアの寄せ集めではコンセプトにならない。なんどもなんども繰り返して全体を感じることが出来るまで頑張ってみよう




13:00 修士論文



14~15日あたりから急に i.softbank.jp の方に1日4~6通の迷惑メールが来るようになりました。マイソフトバンクで設定できる拒否リストはMMS向けなのでコレには効果なし。

発信元は 数�br />友達と家族にしか教えてないのにどこから漏れたんだろう…


スパム (spam) とは受信者の意向を無視して、無差別かつ大量に一括して送信される、電子メールを主としたメッセージのことである。





  • 郵便では一通ごとに内容の印刷と郵送料によって出費が発生するが、電子メールは接続料金のみで送信できる
  • 短時間に一括送信が可能
  • 封筒ごと捨てられる恐れがなく、題名だけでも受信者の目に触れる可能性が高い




受信者に直接送信されるスパムの他に、宛先不在のスパムを、スパムに記述されている偽の送信元に返信することにより生じる、backscatter(後方拡散)、またはcollateral spam(巻き添えスパム)と呼ばれる二次被害を起こすこともある。


[編集] 対象となるメールや別の呼び方

これらの無差別かつ大量に一括して送信される電子メールのほとんどは広告メールで、「迷惑メール」「ジャンクメール(junk mail)」「バルクメール (bulk mail)」とも呼ばれ、日本国内においては総務省などの省庁が使う表現に従って「迷惑メール」と呼ぶことが多い。その大半がアダルト勧誘(ワンクリック詐欺の場合もあり、要注意)のURLが記されている。


UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email)
UBE (Unsolicited Bulk Email)


語源は、缶詰の "SPAM" およびコメディ番組『空飛ぶモンティ・パイソン』のスケッチ、『スパム』から来ている。詳しくはスパム#モンティ・パイソンとスパムとスパム#迷惑行為とスパムを参照のこと。


[編集] 内容など

内容としては、有料ないし無料の会員制出会い系サイト(アダルトサイト)、ネズミ講 (MMF = Make Money Fast)、マルチ商法、商品の勧誘販売などの宣伝がほとんどであり、メールアドレスが外国で収集されたと思われる英文のものも多い。英文のものはディプロマ・ミル(学士号・修士号・博士号など学位の販売)や、オンラインカジノ(日本からの利用は違法)、フーディア等ダイエット関連の薬品類の販売が多い。また、一時は韓国発のアダルトメールが大量発生したほか、中国の経済発展とともに中国語によるスパムも増加の一途をたどっている。ロシア語スパムも多い。






現在のインターネット上ではサイトの規模、 個人や法人に限らず様々な脅威に晒されています。
ここでは、実際にどのような攻撃を受けており、 その脅威はどのようなものであるかを解説します。

常時接続環境が増えつつある現在、 小規模サイトにおいてもセキュリティ対策が望まれています。 これはなぜでしょうか?
「我々のところを攻撃しても何もメリットは無い」と言い切る方もいらっしゃいます。 しかし、単に相手を攻撃するだけではありません。 本来攻撃すべきサイトに対する踏み台として利用される場合もあります。 また、思いもよらない方法によって誹謗中傷を受けることもあります。
過去には、ほんの軽い誹謗中傷に端を発し、気づかない間に大きな話となり、 最終的にはビジネスに影響を及ぼすといったこともありました。
SOHO環境では、自宅で仕事を行うということが中心になりますが、 企業内では情報システム部門がセキュリティを確保しているため、 自身ではセキュリティのことを気にせずに仕事を行うことができました。 しかし、SOHO環境のように自宅で仕事を進める場合、 会社や取引先との間で機密事項が漏れてしまった場合、または見積書が漏れてしまったがために仕事に支障をきたすということも少なくありません。

現在必要なことは「なぜ守らなければならないのか」という疑問ではなく 「守らなければならない」という意思が必要なのです。
しかし、闇雲にセキュアな環境を目指すことはできません。 その一つが利便性に問題が出てくるという点です。
ネットワークのセキュリティ確保は、 セキュアな環境と利便性という相反するもののトレードオフをどこに設定するかであると言えます。





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amzblog99 » Blog Archive » Dermastir Allantoin Cucumber Care chase.com Ampoules

What is cucumberCucumber is a great folk medicine that was used to reduce heat and inflammation This cool fruit is popular among women because it was normally used to help treat tired eyes Cucumber has to be fresh to be active and that is the reason why ALTA CARE Laboratoires presents Dermastir Allantoin Cucumber ampoules in cosmetic ampoules What is Allantoin used chase.com most popular applications are in the prevention of wrinkles around the eye and chase.

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Feb 2012-Loudoun County Housing Market Trend

Feb 2012-Loudoun County Housing Market Trend

Positive News is always welcomed especially by the home buyer and sellers in the Northern Virginia who are considering to be in the 2012 residential real estate market:

So what are the positive notes in the Northern Virginia market:



when was pluto (the dog) first seen and in what

So…Are Goofy and Pluto Both Dogs?

Goofy is shocked at Pluto's latest act of blatant violence.

Theres that great scene inStand By Me where, sitting around a campfire, the boys pondered things that seemed important at the time.

Among these talking points was Wil Wheatons question, Mickey's a mouse, Donald's a duck, Pluto's a dog. What's Goofy?

The conversation ended with a chubby Jerry OConnells somewhat frustrated, Thats weird. What the hellis Goofy?

Most Disneyologists (a word I just now made up*) agree that Goofy is, in fact, a dog. But how does that explain the advantages he holds over Pluto: the ability to drive, to hold down a job, the capacity for speech?

How can two characters of the same species be so completely different?

Perhaps, the answer lies in their histories…

Goofys first appearance was inMickey's Revue (1932), but he was an anonymous character. Over the next two years, his name was changed with the regularity of an over-sharer in the Witness Relocation Program, including Dippy Dawg, Dippy the Goof, and Mr. Geef before finally settling on Goofy inOrphans' Benefit (1934).

So here we have him listed as a Goof and as a Dawg (apparently, Disney was the hip-hop Noah Webster of his day). Neither of these titles mean anything, however, as they are not actual words and, therefore, offer no actual insight or information.

What about Pluto, then?


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Laser Back Surgery | www.ksusci.com

Thousands of Americans are adversity from aback pain, and with the crumbling of the Baby Boomer generation, added are accepted to alpha activity the anguish in years to come. There are any amount of factors that can could cause backaches, and there are even added means that accept been developed to amusement it. But a part of these abounding techniques, two angle out a lot of strongly: activating stabilization lumbar anaplasty and analgesic admixture surgery.


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Waterford Fleurology Caroline 11-Inch Bubble Vase by Waterford

We Want You to Try out Our Waterford Fleurology Caroline 11-Inch Bubble Vase We are sure You Will Love It

Within the last couple of years as technology has been updating very quickly and we have continued to work very hard to remain at the front, we are confident that you may you will find the most modern Waterford Fleurology Caroline 11-Inch Bubble Vase really is as cutting edge as you're gonna find. We're moving hard to create a cool product which not only carries out the actions you got it for, but can significantly go beyond your expectations.


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Rodak Riffs...: Reflections: More Gnostic Than Not

Last night I finished my reading of Gnosticism in Modern Literature: A Study of the Selected Works of Camus, Sartre, Hesse, and Kafka by Josephine Donovan. I was led to this book, which was originally a Ph.D. thesis, by my rekindled interest in Gnosticism, about which I have been posting for some time now.

The portion of the selected bibliography of Donovan's text devoted to readings on "Ancient Gnosticism" included a reference to Primitive Christianity, in its Contemporary Setting by Rudolf Bultmann. This sounded interesting. The title also suggested that it might well have resonance with The Exegesis of Phillip K. Dick, through which I have been making a laborious, but entertaining, trek for several weeks now. So I borrowed it from the library and have started reading it.

What follows here will not be a rigorous attempt to state and prove any kind of formal thesis. As is often the case when I post on large topics, it will merely point out some ideas of interest to me; ideas that (to me) seem to connect. I will be making no strenuous attempt to convince you, dear reader, to make those same connections. (I expect to be all over the ballpark with it.) But I do hope to interest you in the ideas embedded in what I've selected to write about.

Finally, I should point out that what prompted me to post just this, just now, was a piece that I read last night on the blog Vox Nova, with which I (in part) disagreed: i.e., I do not think that a "collective exorcism" is either desirable, or possible. I have expressed that opinion in more detail there; but as of this writing, my comment has yet to be approved and published.

So, to begin with an excerpt from Bultmann:

"The Divine Covenant"

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Irvine Nature Center | Patchwork Catering

Looking for a venue in the Baltimore area to hold your wedding reception, mitzvah, corporate picnic, family reunion, birthday party, cocktail party of other special event? Look no further than Irvine Nature Center in Owings Mills, an environmental education organization whose mission is to educate and inspire exploration, appreciation and preservation of the natural world.


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Cloud Expo: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and More

Massive Sales Results @ 1/2 the investment

Cloud Expo: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud and More

Article by Larissa Fair

From the 7th International Cloud Computing Expo in Santa Clara, CA.

It's funny to think how a whole industry (and conference) has been built around cloud computing and the impact to IT operations management today. It's all cloud, all the time. Disruptive technology keeps moving innovation forward – which is a good thing.

The first session I attended was Unisys' Al Bender discussing public vs. private cloud. I think most companies will be adopting private (or, even hybrid) cloud strategies much faster than public cloud solutions – simply because it allows them more control and security from the start.

According to Al, cloud computing boils down to this:MYTH: Cloud computing is about the technology.TRUTH: Cloud computing is about the business.

Business should be agile – with extreme automation, self-service capability and ready-to-go infrastructure. It's all about the business.

We all know the key attributes of cloud computing: multi-tenancy, elastic and scalable, metered, self-provisioning, internet based, and I/P/SaaS. But there is one more attribute for secure cloud computing. Security. An overall decrease in risk due to greater security protocols and tools from the cloud provider for data in motion, data at rest and data in process.

Security is a number one problem and challenge for businesses, especially with public cloud.

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Green Party Leader Elizabeth May Weighs in on the OAS Debate

There are few issues as close to our core values as pensions. We have universal health care and its place as a core Canadian value is indisputable. Our shared commitment to ensuring that Canadians have the income support required to live our retirement years in vitality and good health is a close second in sacred responsibilities of governments. Clearly, more needs to be done. Too many seniors, particularly too many women, live in poverty. Nevertheless, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement and the Canada Pension Plan were never mooted as a target for new policies by Stephen Harper in the recent election, except to commit to greater levels of support.


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Expose Yourself: Ensure Your Social Media Shows Up At The Top of Your Google Results

It's likely that every single person visiting SocialMediaToday.com maintains social media profiles, and each of you works hard to make sure your presence represents who you are.  You spend time filling it with interesting information about what you like and what you're up to.  In fact, you could argue your social media presence is the most accurate, relevant, and up-to-date source of information about you on the entire web. The problem is, despite the time and effort you've expended, your profiles are frequently nowhere to be found when you are Googled. 

Why your rank matters

 Today, if someone wants to know more about you, they Google you.  That means they end up judging you based off what they find – 75% of HR departments are required to Google candidates before making decisions, and over 80% of young adults say they Google a first date.  If your social media profiles aren't showing up, and instead your search results are filled with irrelevant or negative results (or worse, results referring to other people), you are losing a huge opportunity.

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Apache Solr as your Search and Suggest Engine

Do you require a search and suggest engine that could scale up catering to millions of records? This session render a real world project experience of using Solr as a search engine delimiting what could you really expect out of Solr. This session on Apache Solr as your Search and Suggest Engine was presented at 6th Annual IndicThreads.com Conference On Java, December 2011, Pune, India.

This case study shall focus on the following points:

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Learn how to Cook Delightful Meals

Hungry Lady 300 Under 300: 300 Breakfast every day, Lunch time & Meal Dinners Under 300 Calories from fat by simply Lisa Lillien supplies three-hundred tested recipes regarding full-sized food that happen to be healthful since they're delightful. Tested recipes include breakfast time, lunch break, along with evening meal meals plus party foods along with attributes. As well as the following is your kicker: every single simple menu just consists of three-hundred energy or a smaller amount! These kinds of tested recipes enable you to how to cook corn on the cob which include crock-pots along with foil packs. Look forward to guilt-free Foamy Crab Muffins Benedict, Buffalo Fowl Side Macaroni & Parmesan cheese, and large The apple company Butternut Melons Soups.


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How Can You Relieve Arthritis Pain? » 69 TA

There is a strong chance that a person is suffering from arthritis if he or she experiences muscle pain and it continues for more than two to three days. This chronic disease is a very common disorder, one that affects lots of people all around the world. The major symptom of arthritis is pain in the bone joints, but some arthritis sufferers may also feel pain in certain organs in the body.

The truth is, the term arthritis is a Latin word that means inflammation of joints. Inflammation of the joints is caused by arthritis due to damage to the cartilage. Patients could suffer from long-term joint damage which could ultimately lead to disability from severe arthritis pain if they suffer from arthritis. Arthritic patients commonly feel pain in the early morning hours that slowly subsides as the day progresses.

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Preparing Your Car for Winter Weather

If you own a car it is extremely important that you prepare your car for the winter, though how much you winterize your car can depend on your car and where you live and travel. Someone who owns a convertible in a sunny area like San Diego will have to do the most basic of winterizing, if any. If you live somewhere that does not experience a lot of harsh winter weather, it is a good idea to go over your car and make sure all of the fluids are in check before the weather changes, if it does at all. Make sure you have extra bottles of oil, antifreeze, etc., and any necessary emergency kits in your trunk.


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Are there any credit cards for people with no credit history?

Fortunately, there are some available credit cards for people with no credit history. To protect them, many credit card companies deny applications of individuals who have bad or no credit. The good news is that some companies will give you a chance, and even if they don't, there are other options for building up your credit.

Use the FREE credit card chaser tool on this page to help you find the best credit card for your needs!

Although it may seem harsh, having your credit card application denied may be a good thing for you. If you are new to credit cards, the terms and fees can be confusing and misunderstood. If you are not financially responsible, there is a good chance using a credit card will result in a lot of debt.

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Car & Vehicle Leasing Is Easy « Centired.com

Car & van leasing is a way of renting a car or van on a long term basis. People save money by leasing. Dealers make money and still own the vehicle at the end of the lease. It is an alternative that many businesses use to provide transportation for their employees.

A lease imposes some regulations such as how many miles a leased car can be driven each year. He or she pays for upkeep, insurance and gas. Some leases include all costs except insurance and gas. Those, however, are more expensive and increase the monthly payments.


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Tms SMOP15 Review by David L. Whitehorne
I bought this for a low priced scope for my AR. It is much nicer than I expected. I've had a RRA scope mount and a Burris and I really prefer this. So much so that I got rid of the RRA since it weighed more. David

Tms SMOP15 Review by J. W. Mullins (West, by God, Virginia)

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Looking To Generate Your Meals More Healthful? Check Out These Concepts!

Possess the men and women about you advised that you ought to change your diet regime? You must place things in your body that you like to get out of it. Having every one of the nutrients you require doesn't necessarily include eating a bunch of bland food items. By setting up a number of small changes in your diet regime, it is possible to bring an assortment of exciting and exciting foods. This document will introduce you to definitely approaches you possibly can incorporate nutritious food products into your everyday life.

Eat several whole grains. Individuals who consume far more whole grains tend to be much more healthy than individuals whose diet consists of refined carbohydrates. Switch over to whole wheat pastas, brown rice and whole wheat or seven-grain types of sandwich bread. Your digestive tract will thank you for eating whole grains by functioning very well. Whole grains also give a steadier energy supply. Refined carbohydrates give a fast burst of energy as well as a spike in glucose levels, but this really is followed by a quick decline in energy.


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Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

Lotsa "Oh man Navi was annoying I wish she'd die" comics out there, very few "Navi was actually a very useful companion in the OoT-verse."

I encourage people who believe the former to complete the game without using the Z-target.

So yeah, here's some Zelda to celebrate Skyward Sword. Which I've already gone over my initial impressions of on tumblr.

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Top 100 Hard Rock And Heavy Metal Songs of All Time (100-91)

Dear Aimless Metalhead Friend,

I would like to personally welcome you to the Gears of Rock'sTop 100 Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Songs of All Time Official Countdown. I'd also like to extend a hearty congratulations to you for stumbling upon this life-altering/shattering experience. You see, over the last 5 years I have spent quite a bit of time and minimal effort polling the little demonic beings living inside my fat hairy skull. In the end, another imperfect list came to fruition. Once again, we hope you despise it.

Insincerely Yours,

The Management


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Toys ! | Purple Mum

I have a five year old, a three year old, and a nine month old. I also have an infestation of toys. My house looks like a toy shop overflowed into it. We have four different types of building toys (Duplo, Mechano, Sticklebricks and Lego)

We have train sets, garages, and cars. We have hot wheels, happy land,remote control toys and a toy kitchen. We have dino land, and a whole host of bigger vehicles lining up in their room. Add to this jigsaws, games, craft stuff, games consoles, a marble run and a garden full of garden toys. We even have a bucket full of toys which don't fit anywhere else. It really is ridiculous!

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Saratoga's Top Haunted Places | thefreegeorge.com

Haunted Saratoga: Famous Ghosts, Supernatural Occurrences & Hauntings in Saratoga Springs, NY

No matter where you go, every town has their ghost stories. Whether it's the creepy house everyone knows to stay away from or the cemetery no one dares to explore after dark – with history come hauntings, and Saratoga has a lot of history. Did you know that Saratoga is actually a hub for haunted energy? Nonbelievers, you may scoff at such an idea, but there is a reason why Saratoga is considered to be so supernatural.

If we're talking about Saratoga, how can we not mention the springs? Throughout Christianity, springs and fountains have long been revered as a place for visions and healings – and of course Saratoga's Native settlers knew this and felt the same way.

Saratoga is located directly on a fault line; it's this geological feature that controls many of the area's mineral springs. Gloria Ottavio, a retired teacher from Rochester and Haunted History Ghost Walk tour guide has explained, "Because of the fault line, Saratoga is geographically conducive to supernatural phenomenon…it's also why Saratoga tends to invite ghosts." She continued that in the past, cultures from all over the world tend to build temples and other religious sites on fault lines because of the increased electromagnetic activity. Here are the Top Five Haunted Places in Saratoga read on, if you dare…


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See detailed Browsing History For Safari Browser In Windows


Sometimes it becomes very important to have a detailed look on the webpages visited by the user in the past. For this, we know that almost every browser comes with history option which shows the information regarding the webpages visited earlier using that browser. Although, there are number of other utilities available which are used for the same purpose, but today we are going to discuss a similar utility which has been specially developed for Safari browser.

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Siedem szczęśliwych liczb » Short Sale Your house

Posted By prestoncarri513 on February 1, 2012

Will you owe in excess of what your house is worth and are considering selling the home with the short sale process (selling your house cheaper than what you owe for the home loan while using bank's approval as well as no-cost back), however the regarded the process keeps via acting, because task seems so mind-boggling and confusing? In that case, many people. There are various households who have experienced the identical frustration, though a little effort and guidance, we were looking at able to short sale their apartment and, eventually, progress with their lives.

Here are 5 guidelines to help you over the short sale process for you to feel self-confident and, therefore, experience less anxiety throughout the transaction.



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Does Vicks First Defence Work?

This post was written by Helen Miller on September 13, 2011
Posted Under: Health

At last a product that can prevent the onset of a common cold but what is the real story behind it?

There are hundreds of varying types of viruses that attack the rear of the throat which subsequently cause the common cold.

In days gone by, since most people caught the cold in the winter time it was thought it was caused by the cold weather. However numerous studies have shown this is not the case. To keep warm people used to gather together which meant that viruses were more readily passed on to each other.

The cold can be passed on to another person by touch or if they have touched a contaminated surface. Also coughing and sneezing releases small mucus droplets that can be suspended in the air for minutes. Once these are breathed in or touch the surface of the eyes the virus can be contracted. Mucus membrane secretions of the mouth usually kill the virus as do gastric juices. Therefore the nose and eyes are the areas most susceptible to the virus.


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KMCQ – Seattle's 60's and 70's radio station – Glen Campbell "The Goodbye Tour" 3/02

Campbell recently released his final album "Ghost On The Canvas", a musical affirmation of life and art. The legendary musician has released more than 70 albums, sold 45 million records and earned 12 RIAA Gold albums with 4 Platinum albums and 1 Double platinum.

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Shiloh Is On The List

<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="http://www.blogger.com/rsd.


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The Devil Wears Pull-Ups

Despite having twin toddlers, I wasnt very worried about the terrible twos, mainly because I didnt think anything could be worse than infancy. My toddlers were sweet and well behaved, and I was naive enough to think they wouldnt change. When fellow moms shared stories about their 2-year-old hell-spawns, Id nod sympathetically while thinking, Not gonna happen to me! And of course, when you indulge in that kind of thinking, karma pays you back tenfold.

The terrible twos came in with a bang my daughter Allie banging her mouth on our coffee table and knocking two teeth up into her gums. (Ive yet to say that without wincing.) Our dentist said the teeth might come back down within a month or two, but she had to give up sippy cups and her beloved binky. The night of the tooth accident, the binky was taken away, and with it went my good little girl.

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Bryan Burnett's blog (Radio Scotland): la la la...

We had a Virginia Plain, an Awkward Annie and loads of Kenneths tuned into our frequency tonight. Our 'your name in a song' theme brought in some very funny suggestions. I did smile at the poor girl who had friends sing Una Paloma Blanca every time they saw her and I did like Mike from Fort William's suggestion of My Kinda Girl. Some clever puns on the blog as well so thanks for all that. A busy show.


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LOS ANGELES, Jan 31 (TheWrap.

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You are my sunshine with song - Discussion Forums

Okey, i know i post alot. But this is when im try to sing to. Im NOT a singer, but its fun to sing sometimes to :) I try to crosspick, its my own arrangement .

Also, i forgot the lyrics so i laugh a bit :P




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Tootsie Rolls and Bazooka Bubble Gum

In Mexico, in the fifties and sixties, there were no Tootsie Rolls or Bazooka Bubble Gum.

My fathers parents, Al and Daisy Schneiderman, would come and visit from New York, once or twice a year. The aroma of the Tootsie Rolls and the Bazooka Bubble Gum they brought us, escaped their luggage through some magical form of osmosis, and pierced through me then, and through my memory even now.

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Outlines For Fundamental Details For Criminal Law Attorneys

Posted by Rick on January 31, 2012

This document deals with the simple information about criminal law and Phoenix criminal lawyers. As you read ahead, you must recognize that virtually all written content published in this piece of writing is actually inexact, imprecise and can even be verified wrong within the courtroom. It is preferable that you communicate personally together with your Phoenix felony lawyer to correct your legal problems if you would like genuine help and advice.

Phoenix Criminal Law Judgements


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Sharee Johnson Leading Young People to Jesus | Rolling Out

1:05 PM EST 1/29/2012 by Alexandria Green

Name: Sharee Johnson

Business:  Youth Leaders Inc.

Title:  Owner and CEO

You prefer to be called "The American Jesus Freak." Why?

I get asked this question quite often.  Many people think it's attributed to my eclectic style of dress but it really has to do with my determination to follow Christ. The word 'freak' — which alarms many — simply means devoted follower.  I am just that; a devoted follower of Jesus.

What prompted you to start the Youth Leaders Inc. nonprofit organization?

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Lighting Up Temple Square - Church News and Events

Article Highlights

  • The Lights on Temple Square display will be held November 26, 2010, through January 1, 2011.
  • Preparations for the display begin in August. Take down isn't finished until March.
  • All of the work is done with one main goal in mind: to testify of the Light of the World.

"We do this to share the most important message in the world: the birth of Christ." —Eldon Cannon, Grounds Services group manager

By early August, cables and extension cords are winding up the trunks of many of the trees on Temple Square. As the weeks hurry past, strands of tiny LED lights seem to grow from even the smallest tree branches. November brings the greatest changes with a rush of workers, missionaries, and volunteers setting up garlands, luminarias, lanterns, and nativities. When Thanksgiving is over, Temple Square will be ready to bring a unique and special spirit to the Christmas season.

Eldon Cannon, the Grounds Services group manager, and Jennifer Udy, a gardener, took a few minutes from their hectic schedules in early November to talk about the work that goes into putting the Christmas lights up.


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You might consternation What is a disproportion in in between a desktop wallpaper background. These conditions might not be synonymous in a past, though given a newer chronicle of a desktop handling complement is expelled (which is energetic credentials as well as themes support), dual somewhat opposite meanings.

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ISC Exam Notes : Content: Landforms of the Earth


The earth is made up of a series of concentric rock layers namely crust, mantle and core. The intense heat in the earth's interior does not travel to the surface because rocks are bad conductors of heat. The internal heat of the earth therefore melts the rock and keeps the asttenosphere which is underneath the crust in a semi molten state. This leads to several conditions which cause landform development on the surface of the earth. A landform is a natural feature of earth surface.


(1) Plate Tectonics : The lithosphere is broken into several small and big plates. There plates float on the semi molten asthenosphere. The horizontal movements of there plates is very slow. The plates push, collide or slider past each other. This result in disturbance in the sedimentary rock deposit lying in between two or more plates the sedimentary rocks are compressed. This compression causes folding of the rocks. Almost all the fold mountain ranges of the world have been formed this why. The forces responsible for formation of Fold Mountains are called organic movements. The term 'orogenic is derived from the break of the word meaning 'mountain-building.' These forces act at a tangent to the surface of the earth and are primarily involved in plate tectonics.

(2) Uplift and submergence : Another set of forces operating inside the earth act along a radius from the earth's centre to the surface and are characterized by large scaleupinit or subsidence of land area. These vertical movements are known as epeirogenic movements. Such movements are a result of faulting or cracks in the earth's surface Blocks mountains, basins, rift valley are produced by there movements. 'epeiros' in Greek means 'continent' 'genic' or 'gentic' means 'building' thus the continent building actuaries occur on a very large scale

The above two force, namely orogenic and epeirogenc are together called diastrophic forces. They act horizontally and vertically and produce reliefs such a mountains, plateaus, plains lakes and big faults.

(3) Sudden Forces : Volcanic activity is a sudden movement volcanic eruptions results in the formation of volcanic mountains, extensive plateaus and also plains. Earthquakes are also termed as sudden movements. Earthquake causes formation of lakes, other fractures and creates faults on the surface of the earth. Earthquakes and volcanic activities are described as sudden force. Geologically these sudden forces are also termed as 'constructive forces' because they create relief features on the surface of the earth.

For the purpose of classification the sudden forces and the Diastrophic forces described above form two pasts of endogenic forces. These forces are active deep inside the earth. All the internal forces described above are called constructive movements.


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console-curses.c:212:31: warning: unused parameter 'sig' [-Wunused-parameter] static void Curses_Resize(int sig) {                               ^ 1 warning generated. net_chan.c:300:15: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'unsigned int' and 'int' [-Wsign-compare]         if (sequence <= chan->incoming_sequence) {             ~~~~~~~~ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ net_chan.c:319:19: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'unsigned int' and 'int' [-Wsign-compare]         if (reliable_ack == chan->reliable_sequence)             ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 warnings generated. net_udp.c:246:14: warning: unused parameter 'to' [-Wunused-parameter]                 net_addr_t to) {                            ^ net_udp.c:293:10: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]         if (ret == message->max_size) {             ~~~ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 warnings generated. cg_hud.c:295:41: warning: unused parameter 'ps' [-Wunused-parameter] static void Cg_DrawTime(player_state_t *ps) {                                         ^ 1 warning generated. cg_view.c:48:36: warning: unused parameter 'ps' [-Wunused-parameter] void Cg_UpdateView(player_state_t *ps) {                                    ^ 1 warning generated. r_bsp_model.c:1012:16: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned long' [-Wsign-compare]         for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*header) / 4; i++)                     ~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 warning generated. r_capture.c:37:34: warning: unused parameter 'data' [-Wunused-parameter] static void R_FlushCapture(void *data) {                                  ^ 1 warning generated. r_draw.c:235:17: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]         while (*s && i < len && j < size) {                      ~ ^ ~~~ r_draw.c:235:28: warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') [-Wsign-compare]         while (*s && i < len && j < size) {                                 ~ ^ ~~~~ 2 warnings generated. r_entity.c:203:27: warning: unused parameter 'data' [-Wunused-parameter] void R_CullEntities(void *data) {                           ^ 1 warning generated. r_gl.c:99:20: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLenum)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglActiveTexture = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glActiveTexture");                                  ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:100:26: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLenum)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglClientActiveTexture = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glClientActiveTexture");                                        ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:106:17: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLuint, GLuint *)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglGenBuffers = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glGenBuffers");                               ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:107:20: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLuint, GLuint *)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglDeleteBuffers = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glDeleteBuffers");                                  ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:108:17: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLenum, GLuint)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglBindBuffer = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glBindBuffer");                               ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:109:17: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *, GLenum)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglBufferData = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glBufferData");                               ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:115:19: warning: assigning to 'GLuint (*)(GLenum)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglCreateShader = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glCreateShader");                                 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:116:19: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLuint)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglDeleteShader = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glDeleteShader");                                 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:117:19: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLuint, GLuint, char **, GLuint *)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglShaderSource = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glShaderSource");                                 ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:118:20: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLuint)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglCompileShader = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glCompileShader");                                  ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.c:119:18: warning: assigning to 'void (*)(GLuint, GLenum, GLuint *)' from 'void *' converts between void pointer and function pointer [-pedantic]                 qglGetShaderiv = SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glGetShaderiv");                                ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r_gl.


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Extradition set for Ore. man in Wash. jail - Wire - State & Regional

- An Oregon man charged with murder who was found in Washington state is refusing to return for trial, setting off a formal extradition process that requires signatures from the governors of both states.

The Walla Walla Union Bulletin reports ( http://bit.


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The Weather in Cancun Mexico

Dec 31, 2011 | No Responses

I'm sure many of you might know, but there are seasons in Cancun, just like any other city in the world.  Of course, they're not as extreme as good old Toronto, but they should be considered if you're traveling because you're tanks and shades might not cut it for a week.


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Don't make the magic power of social circles. Gossip spreads quickly!Reserve your emotions good and misrepresented and wrong what went wrong. Sometimes it may be no more worrying about how to get your ex was hurtful you are a MAN.

Do you have just broken up with some body else and wait a couple of visits I realized you want learn enough to him so he wrote me. He put the stage to get your ex back sites that you are open and interested? I think I know that it is all your attempt to fix

things shortly after a breakup but you aren't alone and you still decide you want to the root cause of what was intended for me. Scenario OneYou and your ex.

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Enhance Your Beauty with these Great Tips

Plotting to make yourself appear more attractive to yourself or other people is a very vital reason to start learning what it takes to have an effectual beauty regimen. It is vital to go around and quest for a products and solutions that be excellent enough for you body and to your skin. The tips in this hydroxatone review can help you start.

If you are on a diet and looking to shed a few excess pounds, one of the best foods you can eat is pineapple. A sweet tasting and tasty fruits like this contains a very large quantity of bromelain which is excellent for the dieters. Bromelain aids in the digestion process by selection to digest starch, proteins, and fats. By aiding in the digestion process pineapples can increase your metabolism.


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POUL WEBB: douard Vuillard - part 1

Continuing with the theme of Les Nabis (I hope you're not getting bored with it) I'm taking a look at the works of French artist douard Vuillard (1868 – 1940). Parts 1 and 2 feature his paintings, part 3 his prints.
Vuillard was born in the Bourgogne region of France, to a soldier-turned-tax collector and his wife, a dressmaker. In 1877 the family moved to Paris. There Vuillard attended the Lyce Condorcet, where he befriended the future artists Maurice Denis and Ker-Xavier Roussel. After leaving school in 1885, he joined Roussel (who would later become his brother-in-law) at the studio of the painter Diogne Maillart. Vuillard then attended the Acadmie Julian in Paris for about a year, before passing the entrance exam for the Acadmie des Beaux-Arts in July 1887.

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What is "foregrounding" in literature? - Guide to Literary Terms

"Foregrounding," in literary works, means calling special attention to something so that it stands out and is particularly emphasized (see the excellent definition cited below for a much fuller...

(The entire answer is 230 words.)