
Weather In Can Cun

weather in can cun

The Weather in Cancun Mexico

Dec 31, 2011 | No Responses

I'm sure many of you might know, but there are seasons in Cancun, just like any other city in the world.  Of course, they're not as extreme as good old Toronto, but they should be considered if you're traveling because you're tanks and shades might not cut it for a week.

Ed Hardy Women's Cancun 200 Flip Flop,White-11scu206w,7 M US
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There are two distinct seasons; rainy and dry.  The rainy season runs from May-October, and the dry from October-April.  The hottest months are June, July, and August.  Even at 7:00am the humidity has kicked in, and no human being is free of that sheen of sweat covering the body.  Make sure you are staying in an air conditioned place, or your visit will not be fun.  During the rainy season most storms last a few hours in the early or late evening.  By morning, the clouds have already cleared and sun welcoming you to the beach.

Ed Hardy Women's Cancun Flip Flop,Teal-11scu104w,6 M US
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Hurricane season!  Now this is the season we all need to pay attention to.  September and October are peak months so you should be prepared for the possibility of torrential storms.  On the flip side, it's much cheaper to travel during this time.  On one of my visits I came for two weeks and although the humidity was unbearable at times I have to say we lucked out.

If you come during the 'winter' months, November- January, the weather is dry and beautiful, but the evenings could be cool so remember to bring a sweater.  Also, if it rains the temperature drops drastically.

For the most part, I've enjoyed every month I've traveled to Cancun, and dealt with the weather woes as they come. If it's not a good beach day than find something else to do, there's lots in this city, just ask me.

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  1. Moving to Cancun, Mexico for the Winter

Author: Janelle Brandon

As our dedicated travel writer, Janelle scours Cancun and the Riviera Maya for all the cool things to do around here. From working and living to getting around, and, of course, the best beaches (she loves her sun and sand). Janelle lets you know how it is. As our Chief Operations Officer she makes sure we are not skipping out on work to laze on the beach (although sometimes she joins us). She's a pleasure to have around and always making us laugh with her crazy stories.

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